How to import call-signs

How to import call-signs

This guide assumes that you have direct access to the Sleipner host, if not please contact Support.


In the 'Call sign' dialog it is possible to translate an IATA flight number to a call sign.
This call sign will then be used for incoming Euro-control messages.
It's also displayed in the Leg tool-tip and Activity Info.


It's possible to import call-signs by reading in the information from a specially formatted .CSV file or by using the RAIDO API. This guide describes the file import method.

Please note that the import will clear all existing call signs for the prefixes used in the file and for the period specified on line 2

Below is the exact format with a few different variants on how the information can be presented when imported as ‘.CSV’.
While it's possible to omit information like departure and arrival station, and still get a match within the schedule, it's recommended to be as inclusive as possible.

XX1007,ZZZ114,AAA,BBB,123 5
XX1009,ZZZ116,,, 34

XX IATA flight number
ZZZ ICAO call sign
AAA departure station
BBB Arrival station
1234567 day of week

When you have created your file to import, the next step is to set up a dedicated folder on the server hosting Sleipner, where the Callsigns.csv file will be placed to be parsed in to RAIDO.
Preferably place where it is close by to other message traffic, the following is only an example and may not reflect your setup. \ComChannels\IN\Callsign

The next step is to create a com channel with the File Type ‘ImportTemplate’ that will direct RAIDO to check the folder as often as required and parse the data when a Callsigns.csv file is present.


The SetFlightData in RAIDO API call can be used to insert and update flight leg data. Please see the API manual for more information. API Manuals

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