How to test Duty Balance

How to test Duty Balance

This document covers a test process for Duty Balance values - both for testers and client.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Before starting any test please run Hr Wizard for the crew that is going to be tested
  2. Details Check Dialogue – this is more advanced version of rules which presents values calculated by Legality.
    Please right click on a crew, then Detail and Detail Check dialogue will popup:

  3. From View drop down select Roster (Local) – the build in view that we will treat as a template, and witch we are going to adjust to our needs. Then click “…” button next to drop down.

  4. We have to change the name of our view, so please change the view name to “Roster DutyBalanceTest”. Then go to calculation tab. On the right hand side you have a list of selected Calculators – by double click you remove calculator from view. If you want to add a calculator you type a name in the Available Calculators input and double click in the left hand side list.

    The calculators tab should look like this:

    The Accumulators tab should look like this:

  5. Click save, and then click Evaluate in top right corner of Details Check dialogue. 

  6. Go to Statistic Tab:

    In this case I have opened a March Roster and March Details Check Dialogue (01MAR16-31MAR16). So what you are interested in are values for March roster, and those are presented in first row (01MAR16):

    Shift Duty Per Month: this shows what is a value for a shift duty for the whole month (120:30) – should be the same value as Duty in Ruler

    Desired Duty Hours Per Month: this is the value calculated based on crew work time percentage (127:52)

    DutyBalance_Per_Month: this is the final value of Duty Balance (-13:47) – this one take into account the difference between Shift Duty Per Month and Desired Duty Hours Per Month and also previous values of balances. (not respecting balances)

    In the Details Tab you can see the difference between the difference between Shift Duty Per Month (120:30) and Desired Duty Hours Per Month (127:52) for March – this is called DutyBalance_Monthy and is placed on first row (01MAR16) – the value is 7:22

  7. In the Calculators tab you should see Duty Balance Total (it will have same value as DutyBalance_Per_Month from Statistics tab) and this is displayed in the crew gantt:

  8. Now you can open different Roster and use details check in other crew or different periods and the Roster DutyBalanceTest view will be selected automatically.

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