Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2541 | Task | Add logs for SSIM import |
Description | Release notes |
We are not sure if the users are selecting the right dates and filter when using the SSIM import. Please add a log that records what filter and period was used, together with what user performed the import. | There is now a log that records the data when the SSIM import wizard is used. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2540 | Bug | Removing SGrid for all users |
Description | Release notes |
SGrid needs to be removed since it is no longer supported. | SGrid has been removed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2527 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | RAD Numbering is not correct |
Description | Release notes |
After the ADM has been sent for a day, then each change to tail assignments should generate a RAD message indicating the new assignment for that aircraft. Two issues has come up 1. A cancellation generates a RAD, but still keeps NR01 in the message causing confusion. 2. A new flight does not generate a RAD. | RAD sequence numbers for cancellations and new flights has been corrected. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2526 | RAIDO Earth | Bug | SSM NEW import not working correct |
Description | Release notes |
When importing SSM NEW messages, some of the messages where moved to the 'Removed Message' Tab in the import wizard. Causing them to not get imported. | Import issue has been corrected. SSM NEW messages will no longer be added to the 'Removed Message' Tab in the wizard. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2491 | Bug | Day Notes are not shown properly |
Description | Release notes |
Sometimes 'Day Notes' are not visible for some roster gantt users. But it works fine when logged in as an administrator. However they show up for everyone in the list of existing notes inside the note dialog. The issue is with the flag and preview in the gantt. | GUI issue with drawing note flags in the gantt has been corrected. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2415 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | unactioned roster |
Description | Release notes |
Our crew members are able to see unsaved roster changes by printing the 'My Roster' report. | Unsaved roster changes are no longer displayed in the 'My Roster' report. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2122 | SP-2778 | Story | Flights outside of SSIM-range deleted on import |
Description | Release notes |
The SSIM import needs to warn if there are activities outside the schedule period(s) | Added check to verify system data to avoid mismatch issues with import, like when activities are outside the correct period. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2389 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Incorrect estimated landing time |
Description | Release notes |
The MVT estimated landing time is not correctly added, and a incorrect +1 day difference is added. This only affects the landing/touchdown time. | Fixed incorrect Estimated Touch Down time calculation for MVT message. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2383 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | AutoRostering - save daily values for each hr and reuse them in legality checks |
Description | Release notes |
Auto-rostering performance impact due to excessive legality re-calculation, daily values should be saved for each HR after the initial load. | Performance improvements introduced in auto-rostering when checking legalities. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1380 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | Log page accessible without credentials |
Description | Release notes |
Server log in Raido Cloud (Web) is accessible without valid user credentials. | Access to the log is no longer possible for any user. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1570 | MT-1487 | Bug | Date bug in Ad-hoc edit dialog for multi leg scheduled flights. |
Description | Release notes |
Multi leg schedules where the first leg is past midnight shows the wrong date on the second leg. | This has been fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1929 | Story | operating passenger terminal indicator in RAIDO. |
Description | Release notes |
Enable import of passenger terminal indicators from the SSIM file. | Raido can now read terminal information when importing a SSIM file. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2288 | Bug | Adhoc edit picks wrong day when using the schedule gantt in local time mode. |
Description | Release notes |
When a flight operates over midnight in UTC, but the gantt is set to local time (UTC+). Ad-hoc edit will assign incorrect dates when splitting the schedule. | Ad-hoc edit will no longer pick the incorrect date when making a change, When the schedule gantt time reference is set to a different timezone. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2236 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | The slot is already confirmed after changes |
Description | Release notes |
1. Create scheduled flight AAA-BBB-CCC. 2. Confirm the slots (K). 3. Adhoc edit AAA and change the flight number for BBB, slots show as already confirmed with the new flight number. 1. Adhoc AAA-BBB and return leg BBB-AAA. 2. Confirm the slots (K) for both. 3. Adhoc Edit AAA and change the flight number, slots show up as confirmed. it's the same when you edit the return. | Fixed an issue that resulted in corrupt slot conversation history, when changing the flight id in Ad Hoc Edit. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2235 | Bug | Slot message is not generated for arrival station when flight is over midnight. |
Description | Release notes |
1. Create a flight AAA-BBB (flight is over midnight) 2. Confirm the slots (K) 3. Ad-hoc Edit the flight and change the flight number. 4. Then cancel it, SCR for BBB is not generated. | Fixed problem with messages for arrival slot not being generated for overnight legs, when the leg has had a flight id change. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2216 | MT-2243, MT-2228, | Bug | The issue with slots when rerouting |
Description | Release notes |
1. Create multi-leg flight AAA-BBB-CCC 2. Confirm all slots (K) 3. Remove the last leg (BBB-CCC) using Ad-hoc Edit, 4. Reset to second step, but this time remove the second leg using cancel/delete in the context menu instead. Both step three and four should give the same result. However the slot messages in example three are incorrect for AAA and CCC , and BBB and CCC in example four. | Ad-hoc edit now generates a correct slot delete message(s) when removing routing, and C/R for remaining legs. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2204 | Bug | Service Level Agreements - Saving issue modifying Station not possible after initial save |
Description | Release notes |
It's not possible to modify the station on any existing Service Level Agreement | Issue with saving SLA when station is changed has been fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2202 | RAIDO Earth | Bug | Service Level Agreements - Saving issue after deleting row out of SLA |
Description | Release notes |
Saving issue occurs when:
| SLA saving has been fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2185 | Sleipner | Story | Rotation File via Sleipner |
Description | Release notes |
Issues with Importing rotation file via Sleipner, for example updating aircraft registrations. | Several Sleipner rotation file issues has been fixed, importing a rotation file to update the aircraft registrations now works, with or without hyphen |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2141 | MT-2235, MT-2236 | Bug | Canceling a schedule with a pending C/R. |
Description | Release notes |
1. Create a flight. | Cancelling a flight caused a crash if the flight flight Id changed and the slot change was not confirmed back by the coordinator, this is now fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1676 | Bug | The last leg of a changed schedule points to a different period. |
Description | Release notes |
Issue occurs to a multi leg flight schedule (AAA-BBB-CCC) with confirmed slot, when the first leg has an arrival after midnight on the last day of the season. If changing 'ValidTo' and 'ValidFrom' on the scheduleto a shorter time span within the same season, this would cause the last leg of the schedule to point to the wrong season and the wrong stations would be shown if rerouting the shortened schedule to AAA-CCC. | The last leg of the schedule is now pointing to the correct period, and the stations will be correct when rerouted. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1551 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Creating schedule in local time. |
Description | Release notes |
UTC/Local Time selector has no function when creating a schedule. | The drop down is disabled and fixed to UTC. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1018 | SP-1058, MT-1752, | Story | RU Visa document type warnings |
Description | Release notes |
Visa HR document does not show a missing document warning when the valid from date is forward in time from the activity it should warn for. | The approach to defining the document's validity has changed. Raido now checks the 'Expiry Date' and 'Valid From' properties in the document setup, but the 'ValidTo' Property in the setup is only accounted for if there are no existing transactions added. Then it checks the active and all the historical transactions (if any exists) to find out whether their 'ValidFrom' and 'Expiry Date' date interval overlaps with the activity's time index (usually activity start time/date). If the 'Expiry Date' is not set on the transaction, the document will be considered valid perpetually. And if 'ValidFrom' is not set on the oldest or the only existing transaction it will be considered valid from the beginning of time. The 'Active' and 'Default' check boxes in each transaction have no function and will be removed in version 2.2. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2321 | Other | Story | Timzone update 2018g |
Description | Release notes |
Add support for latest Timzone update, 2018g | 2018f & 2018g updates added. 2018g Morocco switches to permanent +01 on 2018-10-27. 2018f Volgograd moves from +03 to +04 on 2018-10-28. Fiji ends DST 2019-01-13, not 2019-01-20. Most of Chile changes DST dates, effective 2019-04-06. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2316 | RAIDO Earth | Bug | Suffix not supported when importing ASM/SSM messages. |
Description | Release notes |
Importing an ASM or SSM message containing a suffix it will cause an error. | ASM/SSM import now handles suffix in the messages. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2298 | MT-1929 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | SSIM import does not support terminals with two characters. |
Description | Release notes |
When importing a SSIM file that contain terminals with 2 characters it will only parse the first letter and then report that it's missing. | Importing SSIM files with 2 letter terminals is now working. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2205 | RAIDO Earth | Bug | Change text on buttons in ground wizard. |
Description | Release notes |
The buttons when uploading historical data are pointing to the opposite function | Demands - upload historical and forecast data - incorrect text on buttons has been fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2053 | SP-2567, SP-2872 | Bug | Document functionality |
Description | Release notes |
The document functionality has become broken with the introduction of a check against the Valid from date in transactions. This creates issues with erroneous warnings, as legality only checks the last transaction. | The approach to defining the document's validity has changed. Raido now checks the 'Expiry Date' and 'Valid From' properties in the document setup, but the 'ValidTo' Property in the setup is only accounted for if there are no existing transactions added. Then it checks the active and all the historical transactions (if any exists) to find out whether their 'ValidFrom' and 'Expiry Date' date interval overlaps with the activity's time index (usually activity start time/date). If the 'Expiry Date' is not set on the transaction, the document will be considered valid perpetually. And if 'ValidFrom' is not set on the oldest or the only existing transaction it will be considered valid from the beginning of time. The 'Active' and 'Default' check boxes in each transaction have no function and will be removed in version 2.2. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2181 | RAIDO Web (Cloud) | Task | Wrong reference date on vacation bids. |
Description | Release notes |
The reference date in the vacation module causes incorrect entitlements. It picks up the imported ones that uses the employment date, When it should be today (minus) -100 days. | Issue resolved. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2137 | RAIDO Web (Cloud) | Bug | Not possible to change date in ad-hoc edit. |
Description | Release notes |
Issue with changing the date of a flight that was already ad-hoc. The date of the activities were not updated, when the schedule was. | This has been resolved. When the date of the flight is changed, it's updated correctly through ad-hoc edit. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2123 | RAIDO Web (Cloud) | Bug | SSIM Import in Raido Web is not adjusting periods |
Description | Release notes |
When importing a SSIM file in Raido Web, and the period on a row is covering more dates than the frequency allows. It adjusts according to the period end dates for that row instead of adjusting the period to fit the frequency. | SSIM import in Raido Web will now adjust periods to frequency. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2121 | RAIDO Web (Cloud) | Bug | RTR labels and columns problem |
Description | Release notes |
Labels in 'Return to Ramp' dialog are incorrect, and column width is to small. | Labels have been corrected, and column width extended to facilitate all text on a single line. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2120 | RAIDO Web (Cloud) | Bug | Imported passenger number does not take the second leg into account |
Description | Release notes |
Flights with two legs and where passenger load is imported, does not take the second leg into account. | Fixed importing data from Amadeus file for multi-leg flights. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2119 | RAIDO Desktop (Earth) | Bug | ASM messages and tail assignments |
Description | Release notes |
When importing an ASM message in Raido Desktop, it would not set the crew composition and vehicle equipment. It was also not moving to the given tail in a EQT message. | Importing ASM/SSM will now set/update the crew compliment. It will also set the correct equipment info according to the EQT message. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2071 | RAIDO Web (Cloud) | Task | Import SAP files into Raido |
Description | Release notes |
Employees who's values where imported where set to 'Not Active' under 'Leave Entitlement'. The problem seems to be due to negative values. | SAP import changes introduced. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2074 | Bug | Activities point to wrong schedule after moving to ghost |
Description | Release notes |
It is not possible to move activities to ghost. But if by mistake user do that. the dialogue wont come up but the schedule will be split and saved to database but the crash is in code (UpdateActivitiyCompliments), so the activities will point to the original schedule which is the first period. Expected: When you try to move from an aircraft to a ghost the dialogue should pop up and show the error 'It is Not possible to move flights from an aircraft to ghosts' The schedule shouldn't be split and no changes should happen to schedule nor to activities. | Flight legs can't be moved to a ghost aircraft. It is only possible to move flight legs from a ghost to a real aircraft. Dropdown in Move selected dialog shows only active aircraft and no ghost aircraft. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2058 | SP-2668 | Story | Service type code from RAIDO to OFP [#1893] |
Description | Release notes |
There should be a possibility to transfer service type code via the NFP integration. | Added STC to the NFP<->Raido integration. Syntax is as follows: <NFP_Shorctode1>:<STC_Shortcode1>,<STC_Shorctode2>, .... <STC_ShortcodeN>;<NFP_Shortcode2>:<STC_Shortcode1>, <STC_Shortcode2>, ....<STC_ShortcodeN> If teh STC from Raido cannot be mapped to a NFP value, the STC is not sent. In coming 2.2 the dialogue will look like this: |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2031 | SP-2649 | Bug | LDM incorrectly parsed in SI area |
Description | Release notes |
When a message contains additional SI with line as follows, e.g.: {noformat} LDM WW464/21.TFPRO.YC208.3/5 -BRU.95/84/17/1.T2098.2/362.3/579.4/1157.PAX/196 SI PANTRY 1 - EUROPE & TLV .BRU.FRE/0.POS/0.BAG/127/2098.TRA/0 {noformat} last line contains "." at the beginning which is "translated" as a start of message (Originator). | Fixed SITA messages with SI lines starting with dot "." (line with "." at the beginning were recognized in previous version as lines with originators). |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2023 | SP-2440, SP-2636 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Wrong time in the tooltip after Ad-hoc edit changes for Scheduled flights |
Description | Release notes |
When you change time and equipment via Ad-hoc edit dialog, it changes in tooltip not only for selected date, but until the end of sheduled period. Steps to reproduce: | Fixed bugs for when changing time and equipment in AdHoc edit. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2002 | SP-2592, MT-2072 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Roster Report's values in "Created By" are not displayed in report |
Description | Release notes |
We create day notes on both published and unpublished periods, but when we create roster report it's not displayed whom it was created by. | Note authors in Roster report are now visible. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2016 | SP-2555 | Story | APIS US middle name handling |
Description | Release notes |
We need to add a setting in the APIS dialogue: Middlename without separator. This should be added as off to all customers. When set to on, any middle name should be added after the first name with a space in between, but no separator ':' When turning this on, it needs to trigger a correction to the Master Crewlist. | Added possibility to handle MiddleName without separator for APIS messages. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2002 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Roster Report values for "Created By" are not displayed in report |
Description | Release notes |
We create day notes on both published and unpublished periods, but when we create roster report it's not displayed whom it was created by. | The authors of notes in the Roster report are now visible |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2000 | Legality | Bug | CI/CO time not calculated on Pairings for Reference Activities |
Description | Release notes |
When importing or creating a pairing that starts with a refAct instead of a flight leg, the checkin times are not displayed and calculated. In addition, the refAct does not contain any information in detail check. (Therefore querying our API does not deliver any time values, as they are reflecting the detail check. Same issue occurs when the refAct is at the end of a pairing. | Fix for pairing ref act CI/CO |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1971 | SP-2392 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Crew Calculation Report counts wrong BLH for 'T' |
Description | Release notes |
Crew Calculation Report counts wrong number of BLH for the personnel with roster designator 'T'. | Roster filters are now properly applied when Crew Calculator report is generated. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1702 | SP-2225 | Bug | The issue with sorting by the Last Name |
Description | Release notes |
Some pilots аrе not sorted alphabetically according to the Last name in the Roster Gantt | Fixed sorting problems |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1433 | SP-118 | Bug | Balance report headers are being replaced when exporting to CSV |
Description | Release notes |
The headers change when exporting to CVS. The data remains correct. It does however export it with the correct headers when selecting PDF export. | Balance report headers when exporting is now fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-2004 | MT-2005, SP-2509 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Prevent the possibility to save, when the business processes are NOT yet finished |
Description | Release notes |
1. Open roster Gantts with the period from today until the end of September. 2. Add OFF days 20 at a time 3. Press save before the "legality" finishes counting. | Now you will not be able to save if the save dialogue has not had time to catch all changes. You will have to close the dialogue again and reopen it. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1994 | SP-2540 | Story | Error when searching under Human Resources |
Description | Release notes |
Open Human Resources, search for example Eliise, or just "e", "b" or leave it blank you will get an error message. | Problem found and fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1968 | SP-2263 | Story | User Groups - Reports |
Description | Release notes |
I am creating a new user group, the user should only be able to see reports where only crew with the special role Parc is visible. It seems to be working in some cases. I am using the activity report as an example. However, when I log into a user with this user group, I can select different templates (report filter). If I run it with some of these templates, non-relevant crew appears on the report, when I would want it to be only crew with the special role Parc. | HR filtering improved in activity report |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1889 | Bug | Schedule Edit - Wrong period and frequency |
Description | Release notes |
Created flight with frequency 12345 From 21may18 to 31jul18 Schedule Edit Change frequency to 12 and add suffix R, Refresh button and then click new period ( as it blocked without it) Save. I expected to change Suffix only on the flights with frequency 12, but it has been added to all flights | Ther frequency split is fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-2402 | SP-2442 | Problem | Combine warnings only flags on the other crew member |
Description | Release notes |
We noticed after applying a combine rule between AAA(FO) and BBB(CCM) only BBB flagged on the combine rule. I tried applying the not combine first on AAA and then on BBB, but either way only BBB flagged in the roster gantt. Also tried to assign a leg to BBB which AAA was already assigned on and vice versa. I also tried to enable the validation to 6JUL50 but it didn't change nothing. | You now get not-combine warnings on both crew affected. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-2367 | Problem | Unique Id on reference activities in Crew gantt |
Description | Release notes |
We are looking for unique Id on roster activities in crew gantt. What we have noticed is that when activity is created it gives Id (with minus in front). After activity is saved Id is changed. We would like to use the Id in Automation factory for New, Modified and Deleted activities. Could there be some solution for this? | 1. If a user assignes a new RosterActivity, the application generates a message:
2. When the user clicks "Save", the application saves the RosterActivity and updates the message. As an output we get a correct ID visible on the Gantt and in the message inside ExportJobs: |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-752 | Change | MINT. API triggers on new/edited/deleted ref activities |
Description | Release notes |
There is a need to have Event to be triggered also in unpublished period or to be triggered when unhandled revision changed to notified/confirmed/briefdate | There is a new application setting - SendUnpublishedRosterEvents - which allows you to say if you want to see and send events for Unpublished activities. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1989 | API | Task | RAIDO API functionality of 2.2 to be hotfixed into 2.1 |
Description | Release notes |
All necessary API functionality from 2.2 (that is needed for PBS integration) needs to go into a 2.1 hotfix. | Moved SetRosters function to 2.1. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1987 | MT-1991, MT-1912, SP-2505 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Planner notes are visible in Roster Report for Crew when selecting Group setting in note type |
Description | Release notes |
Preconditions: open Note type Planners note, click Group radio button, move groups Crew planning, Crew training from Available to Selected. Save changes. Steps to reproduce: # Create Planners note for the crew; # Login to Fire as this crew; # Open MyRoster and click Print. Actual result: Crew can see planners notes in the Roster report. Expected result: Planners notes are visible only for selected user groups. | Notes visibility in roster report for crew fixed |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1985 | SP-2507 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Non-active emails displayed in Roster report |
Description | Release notes |
When creating Roster report or Performed report (maybe for others as well) crew members private e-mail is displayed. You can see attached example where Not Active, Private, priority 2 e-mail is displayed in report iso Active, Normal, priority 1 e-mail. We would like to see there only Active e-mail, priority 1. | Email priorities are now properly evaluated in reports. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1982 | SP-1449 | Story | Author of note in Activity Report |
Description | Release notes |
Is there an option to have author of the note included in Activity Report? Right now we can see the date and time, when note was added, but it would be very useful to see who added it. | Lacking note author name added to activity report |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1875 | SP-1547 | Story | Contract % 0 in HR Information report for some crew members |
Description | Release notes |
HR Information report gives 0 value for some crew members, who actually have contract % data inserted. I could not find the reason. maybe you have some idea? | Crew contract info is correctly displayed on HR info report |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1708 | SP-1588, SP-1736 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | In Crew Calculator report the last column is duplicated when saving a file in Csv format. |
Description | Release notes |
A .csv file opened in Excel format have the last column duplicated. Expected result: all columns have its unique names. | CSV header fixed |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1972 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Save action not working for some users |
Description | Release notes |
Two users in Rostering were not able to save yesterday after 1700 UTC until this morning when they got back to work. One even tried yesterday evening unsuccessfully. The other talked about that the save function seemed to work yesterday but much of her work were unchanged when she got back to work this morning. | The saving issue for multiple users has been resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1964 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | "Rotation Plan" report is blank, when running it with the 1-day template |
Description | Release notes |
"Rotation Plan" report is blank, when running it with the 1-day template | Rotation plan fixed |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1962 | SP-2385 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Daily Departures report crash |
Description | Release notes |
It breaks when option 'Daily Departures (By Station) Report' is chosen. | Issue resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1961 | RAIDO Earth | Bug | SSIM Import will not set configuration if SSIM file is missing version and configuration. |
Description | Release notes |
SSIM Import in Earth will set the VECOID to zero if the SSIM file is not containing version and configuration. This is causing ripple effect in other dialogues that are changing those schedules because of restriction in DB for foreign key in the schedule row that the VECOID must exist in the VECO table. | The SSIM Import will now put a valid vehicle configuration on the schedule data when importing from a SSIM file without version and configuration. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1958 | SP-2364 | Story | RON report does not work |
Description | Release notes |
When invoking the RON report, you get an error dialogue immediately, before the report dialogue opens. | RON report is now working fine |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1839 | SP-1899, SP-2118, MT-1867 | Bug | HR Information Report after saving to CSV |
Description | Release notes |
When saving a HR report to .csv, two empty rows are created and if more than one datapoint is selected, you get ',' for every datapoint. | CSV export in HR informationdialog now works correctly. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
NBI-4 | Epic | Raido <> Pairing Optimizer |
Description | Release notes |
Turns out that we cannot import two files for the same base (ATR and 737) without cancelling out one after the other. RAIDO only checks the time frame of an import and the Base but not the qualification/equipment. | We added the possibility to import two files for the same base and period but the qualification/equipment must not be the same in both files (e.g. first file with base POS and Equipment AT7, second with base POS and Equipment 737). |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1955 | MT-1931, SP-752 | Bug | MINT. API URI GET parameters handling |
Description | Release notes |
There is a bug with URL HTTP GET request parameters decoding in Sleipner URL_GET Com Channel. Eg. URL request looks like: {code} https://putsreq.com/nMgSX8QcjZaJHMXiHSiq:-2147483648%3fparamerer1%3dSBY%26paramerer2%3dCRLbut should look like {code} https://putsreq.com/nMgSX8QcjZaJHMXiHSiq?paramerer1=SBY&merer2=CRL | MINT API should handle URL GET parameters properly including special characters in parameters |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1949 | Sleipner | Story | Setup for preventing ASM/SSM Import via Sleipner |
Description | Release notes |
As 2.1 offers ASM/SSM import via Sleipner, we would need to urgently add a setup setting AllowASMSSMImport = True/False. I just had a case where APF had the same SITA Address as receiver (which is standard to ensure that the ASM/SSM was sent), however Sleipner imported these flights as new and now they have duplicates. This can cause major issues for customers not aware of this. | New setup, AllowASMSSMImport that dictates weather Sleipner imports ASM/SSM or not. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1933 | MT-1937, SP-2226 | Bug | Report timings don't seem to have any effect. |
Description | Release notes |
If you run dynamic leg report for parts of a day i.e. 0000-1200, then you still get flights after 1200 in the report. | Report timing in migrated (new Stimulsoft version) reports fixed |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1918 | SP-2227 | Bug | Extra sheets in the printed report |
Description | Release notes |
The customer has reported a problem with lots of unnecessary/blank pages in the printed report: "Since the upgrade it appears the system is spacing out reports which means printed lots on extra unnecessary pages - See attached. This sometimes (not always) produces lots of blank pages where it has spaced things out too much. In the attached example there are quite a few pages which are nearly blank. When preparing this for printing Raido produced a 50 page report, this has been spread across 100 pages when actually printed. Please can we look at reducing the amount of wastage here, thanks." | Report cleaned up, rows more narrow. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1119 | MT-1944, MT-1948 | Sub-task | Migrate Rotation Plan report |
Description | Release notes |
Rotation Plan report crashes when using some templates | Rotation Plan report migrated to new stimulsoft version. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1934 | SP-2031, MT-1935, MT-1932, MT-1917, SP-2219, MT-1119, MT-1944 | Story | Unable to run rotation plan |
Description | Release notes |
The Rotation plan needs to work in general and especially with regards to the templates given as examples by the customer. | Rotation plan report migrated to new stimulsoft which should fix the problem. Note! For the moment the 'Printed' function that removes colour filling from objects in the report does not work and this will be fixed in a coming version. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1919 | API | Bug | GetAccumulatedValues not returning any values besides 0 |
Description | Release notes |
GetAccumulateValues returns 0 for BLH in version 2.1. | Fixed GetAccumulatedValues for TimeSpan values (e.g. BLH). |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1773 | SP-1679 | Story | Roster report not working |
Description | Release notes |
When running Roster report with certain settings, the memory consumption on the live server goes up until the site crasches. | The roster report crash was fixed in 2.0 & 2.1, additional improvements added in this version. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1598 | SP-1474, SP-1909, SP-2056, SP-1993, SP-1753, SP-2246, SP-2117 | Story | DIFFERENT CKI TIMES |
Description | Release notes |
My Roster in Cloud runs a job AVX_SYS_DATA_CLEANER when crew loads their roster to ensure that MyRoster is in sync. This job needs to be added to MyRoster in Fire. | The stored procedure is now triggered in Fire too. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1931 | SP-752 | Bug | MINT. API triggers on new/edited/deleted ref activities |
Description | Release notes |
When inserting a specific URL we were not able to handle it properly | Fixed HTTP(S) GET URL address handling for URL_GET/URL_POST type Com Channels |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1922 | APIS | Task | APIS IT required |
Description | Release notes |
Support for APIS IT is required. Here is comparison between currently accessible DK format and IT format: Our current (DK) format UNB+UNOA:4+APIS*AWC+ROMPTX+180612:0931+000000001++APIS' UNG+PAXLST+APIS*AWC+ROMPTX+180612:0931+1+UN+D:05B' UNH+PAX001+PAXLST:D:05B:UN:IATA+API01+01' Our required (IT) format UNB+UNOA:4+APIS*AWC:ZZ+BCSAPIS:ZZ+180612:0931+000000001++APIS' UNG+PAXLST+APIS*AWC:ZZ+BCSAPIS:ZZ+180612:0931+1+UN+D:02B' UNH+PAX001+PAXLST:D:02B:UN:IATA+U25525/180612/1300+01:F' | We now support the specific Italian APIS format. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1921 | APIS | Bug | Cannot save "Sender/Recipient Code" in APIS edit window. |
Description | Release notes |
In version 2.1 there is no possibility to save "Sender/Recipeint Code" checkbox to DB. | Fixed saving "Sender/Recipient Code" in APIS setting. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1912 | SP-2154 | Bug | Crew can see day notes |
Description | Release notes |
Notes not intended for crew are now possible to see when printing the roster in Cloud and Fire. | Issue resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1911 | SP-2163 | Bug | GENDEC gives blank report if Local times chosen since 2.1.4 (or 2.1) |
Description | Release notes |
Since the update of 2.1.4 it is not possible to generate Gendecs in local time. | Issue resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1903 | MT-1889 | Bug | Schedule Edit split frequency, makes the activities move a day forward |
Description | Release notes |
Schedule Edit split frequency, makes the activities move a day forward | 1. Create schedule with frequency 12345 2. Edit the schedule change frequency to 12 and press new period 3. Change the suffix to D next and save (the activities will not move one day any more) |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1892 | MT-1889 | Bug | In Schedule edit, Load season button will bring back Reduce and Expand buttons |
Description | Release notes |
If user press load season button the reduce and expand buttons will be visible again while they should be hidden in any case. | Even with pressing the load season, the reduce and expand buttons will not appear anymore and the next button was available too after load season but is now disabled. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1889 | Bug | Schedule Edit>Wrong period and frequency |
Description | Release notes |
Create a flight with frequency 12345 from 21may18 to 31jul18. Schedule Edit Change frequency to 12 and add suffix R. Refresh button and then click new period (as it blocked without it). Save. I expected to change Suffix only on the flights with frequency 12, but it has been added to all flights. | There frequency split is fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1880 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | After adding new period, only one period exists, frequency is not changed |
Description | Release notes |
After creating a new period (26march-17oct), adding sat and sun (so it covers the full week), the flight is not added to the Gantt (sat,sun). Also, the period is not broken into two periods. An existing flight in a later period (22ndOCT) shows a new period to which it doesnt correspond. | The user can no longer add frequency to a schedule by new period. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1873 | SP-2044, SP-2134 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Missing Euro control ready state on FPL causes error. |
Description | Release notes |
FPL from Eurocontrol may contain Ready State 3 - In Raido we only have 0 = unknown, 1 = Ready, 2 = Not ready. We can't parse the value since we don´t have ready state value 3. This will in turn cause an error when trying to add MTV times in 'Activity Info'. Please add Ready State with '3 =' as an option to make it possible to parse the messages. | Added 3 as an option to prevent the crash |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1445 | Bug | New Period functionality works Incorrectly in Schedule Edit Dialogue |
Description | Release notes |
https://wow-nightly.ad.aviolinx.com/Raido 2.1-nightly-2017-12-15 Steps to reproduce: 1. Create schedule flight for whole season S18 2. Confirm slot messages 3. Press Schedule Edit button 4. Choose Valid From -Valid to and change Frequency >> Press New Period button 5. Press Refresh button 6. Press Next button 7. Check slot messages 8. Choose any flight within this period (e.g. TUE 27) except that which have MON frequency >> Press Edit button 9. observe the frequency on next opened screen | Resolved by MT-1889 |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-809 | SP-304 | Story | Dynamic leg report. Unique ID |
Description | Release notes |
Can we add an additional parameter to Dynamic Leg Report which would be the Id number? | ID field can now be added as a column in every dynamic report |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1874 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Crash when saving Schedule Edit |
Description | Release notes |
There was a crash while saving schedule edit. The messages would not be saved but the actual schedule change is saved to DB. | After changing times the schedule will not crash and the messages will be sent. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1865 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | Clearer directives how to use Schedule Edit |
Description | Release notes |
When using Schedule Edit you should not change the frequency without using the period buttons. When pressing a period button the frequency is disabled for edit. When pressing next after changing the frequency but not using the period buttons it will give warning and stop the next step. | When using the Periods button, the date and frequency controls will be disabled. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1860 | SP-2012 | Bug | GetFlights don't give delay codes |
Description | Release notes |
When asking for delays, you only get the delay value, not the code. | Fixed missing delay codes in GetFlights in RaidoAPI. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1848 | SP-1894 | Bug | Note type not hidden |
Description | Release notes |
When selecting groups to see a specific notetype, this is not adhered too, but other groups can still see it. | Note rights is now checked in Station operations dialogue, in both Cloud and Fire. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1847 | SP-1916 | Bug | context menue of Ground tasks not popping up |
Description | Release notes |
Pointing on Ground tasks assigned to shifts on crew, the tooltip never shows, there is only a spinning wheel. | Ground task tooltip issue has been fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1841 | SP-1911 | Bug | Roster report presents unpublished roster |
Description | Release notes |
If you have half month rosters and first half is released, crew can print the monthly roster and get data for the unpublished period | The report is now showing only published records both Fire and Cloud Change so it loads correct roster periods instead of the month |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1834 | SP-1888 | Bug | Can not cancel flights |
Description | Release notes |
During some circumstances legs are not possible to cancel. When pressing save in the message dialogue you only get an Error dialogue.. | Removed crash when cancelling flights that had no activities linked to them in the database. This could happen when using old data while running a newer version of the application. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1818 | SP-1827 | Bug | Pairing view not fully working, when loaded in top Gantt |
Description | Release notes |
Loading pairings on top and crew at the bottom with a kin/twin line in the Gantt makes the application hang and shut down the site eventually. | Fixed drawing Gantts when Crew + Pairing is chosen in Crew Gantt. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1815 | SP-1800 | Task | Ticket 444562 BWA - RAIDO: Updating Fuel Information |
Description | Release notes |
Add new values to the Activity Info Fuel tab: Density unit: kg/usg Quantity unit: US gal. | Added new values to the Activity Info Fuel tab: Density unit: kg/usg Quantity unit: US gal. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1845 | SP-1918 | Bug | No paycodes shown in RAIDO Fire |
Description | Release notes |
No paycodes are shown in RAIDO Fire | Payroll in Fire is displayed correctly now. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1840 | SP-1896 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Unable to edit activities in released roster. |
Description | Release notes |
Got an error when I tried to edit an schedule as support user. Press Apply before you press save when you do a roster revision. | Issue resolved |