Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-659 | Bug | Monthly working time balance of +/- 20 hrs. |
Description | Release notes |
Please we need the duty balance rule +/- 20hrs activated again. We are facing big troubles in swap module as agents swap more than 30 hrs right now. | Introduced a new Setup setting called GanttRecalculationPeriod in order to control the recalculation period on the gantt after a change. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-1456 | Problem | Legality Report Problem |
Description | Release notes |
We have quite a concerning problem with our legality reports that needs looking at ASAP. Both myself and my crewing controller have run the same report with the same settings and have gotten different results, both settings and reports for each user are attached. The report in questions is the HR Violation report > Legality report. It is protected by another user (for good reason) and the settings were not adjusted in anyway before running the report, only the date range. | Problem resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1545 | SP-1423 | Bug | Spurious RAD messages makes Ops Wiz to not open |
Description | Release notes |
On several occasions the last weeks the Ops Wizard has not been able to open and when checking the db, there are messages totally unrelated to the day of operation. | We now avoid creating RAD messages for past flights. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1538 | Story | Time Zone Database 2018c |
Description | Release notes |
We need to update the system with the new TZDB. | Time Zone Database 2018c has been added |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1444 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | ACARS Fuel import |
Description | Release notes |
ACARS Fuel message required Message sample: A83 FI AB123/AN XY-ABC DT DDL SNN 151042 M14A - 16H3 FLTSUM 0110/ EICK/EINN .XY-ABC 0910/14900,1011/11200,1031/10500,1036/10400,0020,0126,0 Where Source ACARS | Added reading fuel records from A83 message. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1535 | SP-1405 | Bug | Calc of public holidays lost for 2016 |
Description | Release notes |
We found a big problem of public holiday calculation. The calculation is obviously lost for the whole year 2016. | Modified GetPublicHolidaysData function to load bigger period and consume only Public Holiday data |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1534 | SP-1384 | Task | Remove duplicate entry for RosterBlockActivityInfo in UserPreferencesEdit |
Description | Release notes |
Remove duplicate entry for RosterBlockActivityInfo in UserPreferencesEdit.cs | Fixed issue with error message in User Preferences dialog. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1498 | SP-1371 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Removing Standby activities |
Description | Release notes |
When assigning anything any day on a crew that has RDY14 (Configured as StationStandby or Standby), the standbys gets removed. | Fixed issue with Standby being called out after assigning activity on another day if there were any non-split pairings assigned to a human resource in opened period. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1487 | API | Story | RAIDO API. SetFlightData. parameter |
Description | Release notes |
The customer wants to add Leg Date to the API. The integration between RAIDO and EFB and e-technology does not work properly for flights because the latter ones are based on Leg Date instead of Flight Date. | Changes have been done in the algorithm for finding legs using RaidoAPI SetFlightData. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1482 | Sleipner | Task | Update for new authentication methods in FRMS/SAFE interface |
Description | Release notes |
According to emails, a new authentication method should be implemented to use the new version of Azure FRMS/SAFE interface. | New (Azure) interface for FRMS/SAFE available from Raido. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1449 | SP-1260, | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Cancelled flights on one aircraft |
Description | Release notes |
Instead of distributing as there are space for, a lot of cancelled legs end up on top of each other. They should never overlap and the application should use as few rows as possible. | Fixed issue with overlapping cancelled flights being drawn in a single row in the Gantt. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-1280 | Problem | wrong count of duty limit |
Description | Release notes |
Hi, I found an agent where I do not understand why a duty count limit of 10 is shown. Limit should be 18. | Problem resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1465 | Fire | Task | Web configs needs to be updated to run .NET Framework 4.6 |
Description | Release notes |
The projects have already been set to target 4.6, but web configs needs to be updated as well. | Web configs needs to be updated to run .NET Framework 4.6 |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-846 | SP-1228, SP-1143,SP-111,SP-665 | Bug | Duty hr differences |
Description | Release notes |
There is an issue with how gantt sends period to legality for this calculator display by the crew name, it adds one day before (to catch big time-zone differences) Note that duty calculations in detailed check (rules) are still correct. | Fix for calculation period in the Gantt in place. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-844 | SP-21, MT-1131, MT-1457 | Bug | If you put the ref act K/KB on a shift with tasks in some cases the tasks do not drop off. |
Description | Release notes |
Hi, we found a new bug, if you put the ref act K/KB on a shift with tasks in some cases the tasks do not drop off. brds beate | Solved by the resolution to MT-1457 |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1456 | SP-1270 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Problem with assigning Ground Task to shift with multiple reference activities |
Description | Release notes |
There is a problem with assigning activities that can result in error during both manual and auto roster ground task assignments. It happens when there is specific combination of reference activities on top of shift. Example of this combination is presented on screenshot. Assigning ground task to that shift would result in error. | Fixed error that could occur sometimes when assigning or auto assigning ground tasks to shifts with other reference activities assigned. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1457 | SP-1271 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Story | Option to choose which roster activities should block ground tasks assignment |
Description | Release notes |
As an administrator I would like to have an option to specify which type of roster activities added to hr roster should block assignment of ground tasks to shifts. This can be global setting. | Added new setup setting to choose roster activity filter for activities that should block ground tasks assignment. Setting name: RosterActivitiesBlockingGroundTasksAssignment. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1446 | Sleipner | Task | IMAP connector needs to support STARTTLS connection |
Description | Release notes |
IMAP connector needs to support STARTTLS connection | Sleipner can now support STARTTLS on IMAP, tick the "Default" item in the Com Channel to enable. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1347 | Sleipner | Task | ACARS format OOOI |
Description | Release notes |
ACARS specification for OOOI recieved. Should be mapped to use same logic as ACARS A80. A8A = Out, Block-off A8B = Off, Take-off A8C = On, Touch-down A8D = In, Block-On | Support for A8A, A8B, A8C and A8D have been added. They will be parsed as an A80 message. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-1002 | RAIDO Cloud | Problem | Still wrong balances for normal working time |
Description | Release notes |
Hi, unfortunately we still get wrong balances displayed in gui and raido´mobile for normal working time. After the release change to 2.0 I made a hr run for vie from 1.3.16 – 31.12.16 and 1.1.17 – 30.9.17 or 31.8.17. then we found out that there were some wrong balances. First indication from checking out one agent was that the balance differed from 31.12.16 to 1.1.17. So I rerun hr from 1.12.16. – 31.1.17 and then again 1.1.17 – 30.9.17 (or 31.8.17). now again some agents occur with wrong balances from Nov to Dec 17. | Issue with balances now fixed |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-1144 | RAIDO Cloud | Problem | Problem with balance of normal working time in gantt |
Description | Release notes |
Hi, we again cannot rely on the balance for normal working time in gantt and raidomobile. please find details in attached word docx. | Issue resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-1146 | RAIDO Cloud | Problem | FT balance gets wrong from Dec 17 to Jan 18 |
Description | Release notes |
Hi, we found some troubles with FT balance on year break as well. | Issue resolved |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
SP-1200 | Legality | Problem | Missing document warnings |
Description | Release notes |
One crew is lacking Document warnings on some activities, and some have warnings, cannot see any reason why this occur. | Issues with document warnings being inconsistent in Gantt has now been fixed. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1409 | Sleipner | Bug | MCL not sent |
Description | Release notes |
A bug prevented updates to the MCL list to be generated | Fix for generating MCL APIS |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1407 | Schedule | Bug | When editing and Ad Hoc flight over midnight slot message is not correct |
Description | Release notes |
1.Create Adhoc flight KEF-ARN and return leg ARN-KEF on the next day 2. Confirm Slots 3. Adhoc Edit Time for the first leg ( from 2240 to 2200 in my case) Slot message for ARN gets incorrect date and frequency. | Slot issues when editing ad hoc flights are now resolved. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1405 | MT-1408, MT-1407 | Bug | Turnaround slot lost when editing Ad Hoc with return flight. |
Description | Release notes |
Ad hoc editing flights with a turnaround slot corrupts the slots. | When editing and Ad Hoc flight with return flight it is no longer losing the return flight arrival slot. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1401 | SP-961, SP-1217 | Schedule | Bug | Slots creation does not consider filter in Slot creation. |
Description | Release notes |
Legs that does not fit the SlotCreationFilter setting, should not be considered for slot messaging. | The slot creation filter is used in move dialogue. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1358 | SP-1122 | Schedule | Bug | Move legs, Ad Hoc, slots are removed |
Description | Release notes |
In the Move Activities dialogue, when using the Ad Hoc check box it will not create slot messages and the slots for the selected activities will disappear and the slots for the remaining schedule period after the selected activities will also disappear. | Move adhoc issue is fixed and will send the right messages and split the schedule and make adhocs and will not corrupt the slots. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1242 | SP-928, MT-1384, MT-1276 | Bug | Edit Schedule 'Refresh' button |
Description | Release notes |
When you use Schedule Edit dialogue and you change anything but routing and press refresh, you are prompted with an error and nothing is saved. | The functionality connected to the Refresh button now works as intended. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1362 | SP-1128 | Bug | APIS not transmitted 05/11/2017 |
Description | Release notes |
When rescheduling crew at the time of a scheduled APIS transmission, the process is halted if crew are missing, this could also affect other APIS messages for other legs scheduled to be sent at the same time | Now the APIS message will be sent with no crew and after crew have been added, change messages will be sent. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1246 | MT-1250 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Sub-task | option to draw reference activity on upper half of the roster Gantt |
Description | Release notes |
Create an option to draw a reference activity on the upper half of the roster Gantt. In case of notes, revisions, or any other information currently displayed on top of all other activities the drawing mode should follow the current principles (default mode) and therefore be displayed covered by them | There is now an option to draw reference activities on the upper half of the gantt. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1318 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | Booked Pax message - PLE |
Description | Release notes |
Make Sleipner able to import PLE message: Below message display SK4603/02NOV 17 operating in C, 16 psgr, M 105 psgr from, tot 121 pax from OSL to DUB dep 09.35 (utc) PLE Only map total pax (121) for now as booked passengers on the flight. | Support for PLE messages is now implemented. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1347 | Sleipner | Task | ACARS format OOOI |
Description | Release notes |
ACARS specification for OOOI. SMI are different to previously implemented, should be mapped to use same logic as ACARS A80. A8A = Out, Block-off | Support for A8A, A8B, A8C and A8D have been added. They will be parsed as an A80 message. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1359 | SP-1119, MT-1363 | Bug | Some of the reports lost their names in automation |
Description | Release notes |
With the changes to Overview Roster report, so you could load original roster, the way the templates are saved prevents them to be loaded when used in Automation. | Fix for OriginalRosterReport and SimplifiedRosterReport to be exported in automation. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1332 | SP-1085 | Sleipner | Bug | Sleipner email problems |
Description | Release notes |
The mail functionality in Sleipner that we fixed in 2.0.2, instead lead to messages that were in queue was considered as sent when the connection to the email server took long to establish. | Fixed problem with sending emails in 2.0.2 |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1330 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | Datafields for Dynamic Leg report |
Description | Release notes |
We need new data fields available in the Dynamic Leg report to be used in reports to Central Load Control: Crew Configuration - should return total assigned cockpit crew and then cabin, so if 2 pilots, 4 cabin it should return 2/4 (we have the same in the LDM message today) next one is fuel type Flightplan, and the fuel loads. | New fields available in Dynamic Leg Report:
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1325 | SP-776 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | Deadhead activities in Fire |
Description | Release notes |
Are you able to add the flight number (code) field into FIRE for deadhead activities? At the moment you can see this on the desktop version but not the mobile version. | Full dead head activity code will now be displayed in Fire. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1318 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | Booked Pax message - PLE |
Description | Release notes |
Make Sleipner able to import PLE message: Below message display SK4603/02NOV 17 operating in C, 16 psgr, M 105 psgr from, tot 121 pax from OSL to DUB dep 09.35 (utc) PLE Only map total pax (121) for now as booked passengers on the flight. | Support for PLE messages implemented. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1317 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Task | APIS Denmark |
Description | Release notes |
APIS Denmark format needed. | APIS Denmark format is now supported. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-544 | Schedule | Bug | Schedule Edit>Add a new station>Time is calculated incorrectly |
Description | Release notes |
Create a new Schedule like this Schedule Edit, Add a new station and Refresh Time is calculated incorrectly | Rerouting by adding station in schedule edit will now give correct times to new flight leg. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1242 | SP-928, MT-1276 | Bug | Schedule editing |
Description | Release notes |
1. Create a schedule from 2017-11-03 till 2018-03-23 frequency 5 BLQ-BLG-CGN 2. edit the schedule new period from 2017-11-03 till 2017-12-22 3. reroute to BLQ-CGN messages are right but when you save, the second leg is not affected, it is still connected to first leg | Schedule edit not removing row and activities when rerouting from 3 stations to 2 stations. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1265 | SP-951 | Bug | nonsplittable tasks are splitted (using automatic rostering) |
Description | Release notes |
When we use the auto rostering, non-splittable tasks are split IF there is a "SPA" or "SPT" assigned on a shift. br, jun | Fixed the issue that allowed non-splittable ground task to be partially assigned (split) |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1272 | Sleipner | Task | Add reset SMTP connection for Sleipner |
Description | Release notes |
From time to time there are problems with sending emails from Sleipner, with log entries as follows: 2017-10-16 16:05:46,906 [46] ERROR - Senders: Job 78349 is still in progress. Description: Job has taken more than 5 mins. Currently 5 mins. A Sleipner restart resolves the problem. | Added disposing SMTP connection within Sleipner. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1276 | Bug | Incorrect warning in schedule editing for the flights over midnight |
Description | Release notes |
When you try to change the schedule period via Schedule edit mode, for the flights that are over midnight after clicking Refresh appears warning, but New period button was used. Steps to reproduce: | Issue resolved. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1295 | RAIDO Cloud (Web) | Bug | Automation - possibility to create an empty message |
Description | Release notes |
There is a possibility to create an empty export job after changes in Departure dialog, e.g.: | Avoid empty messages for event actions. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1302 | SP-1005, SP-1009 | API | Task | API functions does not work |
Description | Release notes |
The API function SetRosterData was setting all activities as 'Confirmed' and not as 'Unactioned' as supposed to. SetRosterDesignator also malfunctioned | SetRosterDesigator, SetRosterData and SetRoster are now working again. |
Ticket | Linked | Function | Type | Subject |
MT-1306 | Task | Timezone support for tzdb 2017c |
Description | Release notes |
Import newest timezone tzdb 2017c changes | From 2017c release notes: Northern Cyprus has decided to resume EU rules starting 2017-10-29, thus reinstituting winter time. Fiji ends DST 2018-01-14 instead of the 2018-01-21 previously predicted. Namibia will switch from +01 with DST to +02 all year on 2017-09-03 at 02:00. Sudan will switch from +03 to +02 on 2017-11-01. (Thanks to Ahmed Atyya and Yahia Abdalla.) Tonga has likely ended its experiment with DST, and will not adjust its clocks on 2017-11-05. Turks & Caicos will switch from -04 all year to -05 with US DST on 2018-03-11 at 03:00. |